Meet Skree's Fan of the month - Dimitri

Humpback whales thrown off course by my MEOWING! 

Humpback whales thrown off course by my MEOWING! 

It was a pleasure to meet you today, Skree! At least, it was for me—I thought that, after patting you for half an hour, the feeling would be mutual, but, apparently you were only using me to enjoy a gentle shiatsu massage, and, when I made to withdraw my hand, you immediately attempted to separate it from the rest of my body.

No hard feelings though! I knew what risks I was taking when I heard your plaintive howling from about three suburbs away.

May you continue to howl your way into healthy old age, even if it means that migrating humpback whales routinely beach themselves all up the Eastern seaboard, and Russian submarines lose their way.

10/10 would pat again.

— Dimitri